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Better not bigger business planning

Accelerate your business with board-level growth planning and strategy expertise

The questions in your head may be different if your business is growing strongly, has stagnated or is struggling to perform, but you’re the person that everyone looks to for direction and that is responsible for their livelihoods.

Where can you quickly access support that can help resolve these questions?

I'm here to help.

Do any of these situations feel like you?
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Everyone has worries
around growth

For many (especially in today’s economic landscape), maintaining and growing revenues is a constant challenge.


Are you thinking:

  1. Even though we are doing well, am I confident that what got us here will get us where we want to go?

  2. I don’t seem to able to grow the business or arrest the decline

  3. How do I create a reliable lead generation machine and maximise every opportunity in a market like this?

  4. I feel like we have opportunities, but we never make them happen

Even the best businesses
get stuck

Sometimes you can be so beaten down by a problem, or you are so entwined in the day-to-day that you don’t get the opportunity make leadership decisions.

Are you thinking:​

  1. I’m struggling to see the best way forward

  2. We’re surviving rather than thriving. If one thing goes wrong, it could derail the whole thing

  3. I’m always fighting fires and never get chance to sit back, think and develop the business

  4. Even when I give people responsibility, nothing really changes

  5. I spend almost all my time answering questions


Is it about control or structure?

Often businesses put too much weight and stress on the leader or owner, resulting in the business being unresponsive, missing opportunities and not being all it could be.

Are you thinking:

  1. How do I make the business and team less reliant on me?

  2. We are doing really well but it feels like this thing might spin out of control at any moment

  3. There are so many things to fix, keep an eye on and decide upon – I can’t continue to do them all

  4. We can’t continue to operate like we do now. We need to be fit for the future

  5. I get anxious about being out of the business

Steamlined business planning to accelerate your growth

It's time to make a better plan and execute it

Work with me on creating a clear understandable and actionable roadmap for success everywhere in your business.


I have seen first-hand how those businesses that plan effectively
are the ones that get the rewards.


Business growth and profitability.
A business that's strong and sustainable

Get streamlined:
Long drawn-out planning sessions and hours in front of a screen are a thing of the past

We all know the person we want to hear from in the meeting; the one who clearly, succinctly and with real insight shows the solution to the challenge that’s being discussed.


Your business plan should be the same. A document that is 10’s of pages long, backed up with pages and pages of spreadsheets is destined to be filed in the drawer and won’t see the end of month 2, never mind quarter 3 or 4!


Over the years I’ve seen many ways to execute business planning and I’ve taken the best from what I’ve seen to streamline the process. The end result … less is definitely more.


I have created the one-page Winning Game Plan, which unsurprisingly creates a winning game plan on a single page!


Clear and focused discussion and workshop notes are distilled down to this central document that is the focus for every department within the business. Monthly and quarterly sprints, objectives and measures are documented for each department.


Sales, Marketing, Customer Services, Operations, Purchasing, Finance, IT and HR - no stone is left unturned because the whole business needs to constantly evolve and grow to continually deliver and excite your customers. 


I’ll help you develop the plan and if you need me to be around regularly as you move forward, I can do that too.

Simple ingredients, well prepared make the best products

Your business plan doesn’t need to be complex.

It needs to be understandable and accessible.

It needs to be the living roadmap to success for the whole business.

I use my skill and expertise to help you assemble and refine the elements of the plan. We then assemble them to outline:

  1. What success looks like (not just financially)

  2. Where we play and the promise we make to customers

  3. The critical success factors that we need to focus on

  4. Key initiatives that need to be delivered, department by department

  5. The lead measures that are the key performance indicators for the business.

The best are the best
for a reason

My experience is that most businesses don’t plan.


But the best of the best do - take The Red Arrows or the SAS. The SAS don’t just turn up at a building and say, “You do X, I’ll do Y and let’s see what happens”.


Just like them, the best businesses I have worked with have a plan and that sits at the centre of their business.

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